More Than Sunday: Christian Days & Non-Christian Days

We started a new series, More Than Sunday, this past weekend (10/06). My takeaway is a mix of the sermon and what Kaitlyn shared as she opened the service.

The main thought I walked away with was, if we only serve people on Sundays, we are not showing Jesus' reign every other day. This is to say that there are Christian days and non-Christian days. In other words, if I serve people on Sundays but on the other six days I don't serve anyone at my house, at the school I work at, or at the ball field I coach on, then I'm saying I'll follow Jesus on Sundays but the other six days I'm going to do whatever I want.

An example that I thought went pretty well with the sermon was what Kaitlyn shared about a Christian community in South Carolina, post Hurricane Helene...

While in the middle of dealing with their great losses, a small Baptist gathering that received a generator decided to hold service to worship the one they love and glean hope from one another. That along with the service of other Christians, led a man to go to that very service. This man felt like his government had failed him. That he'd put his faith in it, and it couldn't meet his needs. Yet these people had so much faith that they gathered and met the needs of others. It was something he wanted to see.

I think those are people that probably serve every day. As a Christian, do you only want to be serving when you are face-to-face with the Church? Or do you want to serve everyone everywhere?

To close out, here is a song we sometimes sing that seems fitting.

Monday Morning Faith
SEU Worship

I want to meet with you more than Sundays
I want to know more than just my mother's faith
'Cause that's not enough to get through the rough
Oh I need a Monday morning faith
I want to hear you in more than just one way
Show your voice in all of the mundane things
You're in the in between
You're in my everything
And that's all I really need

My soul sings in the morning
I love the king and He loves me
All that I'm compelled to bring
Is my everyday offering

Let my worship be more than just singing
When did music become a religious thing
Let these songs be what thеy're meant to be
Thе sound of Your church awakening
Help my heart to keep up with the Heavens
Where the angels sing 24/7 praise
You're more than enough to get through my rough
You're teaching me Monday morning faith
And that's all I really need


Crystal - October 11th, 2024 at 11:09am


Kristi - October 11th, 2024 at 11:10am

So good! Thank you for sharing, Natalie!