Resources for Spiritual Growth


For more information on bible reading, fasting, and other disciplines of our faith, check out CORE.
These are short recordings of teaching on our foundational disciplines.

The Season of Lent

As we enter the season of Lent, we have provided resources to guide you through the next 40 days. Below is an introduction that summarizes the significance of Lent and how you can engage in this time of reflection and repentance. Each week, as the sermon is released, a new PDF featuring imagery and a prompt will be added to this page. Printed versions will be distributed weekly, but a digital version will be available here for those who are unable to attend service. We are hopeful, expectant, and prayerful for each of you as you embark on this Lenten journey

Reading Plan

We are excited to announce a new corporate Bible reading plan! Reading the entire Bible doesn't have to feel overwhelming, and we have created a plan that is manageable for everyone. This plan will span over this year and the next, allowing us to take our time. New bookmarks (in Sunday services) and downloads on this page will be provided each month. We invite you to join us as we work to cultivate a love for God's Word and a longing for Him.

Fasting Plan

Join us in our goal to complete forty days of fasting in 2025. Below is a guide outlining how many days you can fast each month to help us reach this target. We have included three corporate 7-day fasts that we will undertake together. Outside of those days, you are free to choose any days that fit your schedule. You can complete your fasting days consecutively or spread them out over the month.

Worship Liturgy

Holy Father, You have called us as priests to minister before You. We are not here to consume but to give — our praise, our thanks, our devotion. You are worthy of all honor, not just in word but in the posture of our hearts.

To come before You casually, seeking only what we can receive, is to forget why we are here. But worship is the purpose of those You have redeemed — a people set apart, offering the sacrifice of praise, lifting high the name of the One who was, who is, and who is to come.

We are here because You alone are God. It is the joy of Your people to gather in Your presence, to declare Your greatness, and to glorify Your name in all the earth. Amen.

Giving Liturgy

Holy Father, there is nothing I have that You have not given me. All I have and am belong to You, bought with the blood of Jesus. To spend everything on myself, and to give without sacrifice, is the way of the world that You cannot abide.

But generosity is the way of those who call Christ their Lord; who love Him with free hearts and serve Him with renewed minds. Who withstand the delusion of riches that chokes the word; Whose hearts are in your kingdom and not in the systems of the world.

I am determined to increase in generosity until it can be said that there is no needy person among us. I am determined to be trustworthy with such a little thing as money that You may trust me with true riches.

Above all, I am determined to be generous because You, Father, are generous. It is the delight of Your daughters and sons to share Your traits, and to show what You are like to all the world. Amen