Discipleship groups focus on your growth as a disciple of Jesus alongside others. Our Discipleship groups are broken down into three parts: Christianity 101 (6 weeks) and Discipleship 201 (10 weeks), and Spiritual Formation 301 (17 weeks) with a day and a half retreat in between 101 and 201 that we call Encounter Retreat.
Christianity 101
This six-week interactive daily study guide is a great starting place for Christians who want to experience spiritual growth. Christianity 101 lays a solid biblical foundation for a new Christian and provides refreshing and encouragement for the mature believer.
Encounter Retreat
After completing Christianity 101, the Encounter Retreat is vital to the healing, growth, and maturing of every disciple. These powerful weekends of freedom and deliverance take place in the spring and fall of each year.
Discipleship 201
This ten-week course helps believers who have completed Christianity 101 and attended an Encounter Retreat to apply the truth and healing they have experienced to their everyday lives. It is a valuable tool to help believers walk in personal victory.
Spiritual Formation 301
This seventeen-week course focuses on training and teaching with targeted subject material and personal impartation from seasoned leaders. The goal of 301 is to equip to make disciples, serve others, and fulfill the call God has given them.