How can you create a space in your home for Bread Breakers?

That is a great question, and we believe that every person at Move Church has the ability to show Christian hospitality in their home through 4 simple steps. These are not rules, just suggestions on how you might participate in this incredible commitment in 2025.

Take Time to Invite Someone (individual or family) over for dinner.

Let them help you plan a good day and time.  Everyone is busy so it may take some creative planning.  Make note of what would be best for food options.  Dinner does not have to be complicated, pizza works just as good as a grilled chicken and veggies.  

Pray for the individual or family that will be coming to your home.

Never underestimate the clarity and power of praying for people.  Call them by name, pray for their family, their safety.  Your time together in your home will be that much sweeter when you have covered,  in prayer, those who are coming to have dinner with you.

Spend time sharing with one another.

Great discussions to have as you are together are: (1) Tell me about your faith journey. (2) How can I be praying for you this month?  Undoubtedly you will find yourself talking about all kinds of things but one major part of Christian hospitality is the common ground of Christ and his grace to us.  Sharing this and the opportunity to pray for one another are core to who we are as Christians.

Lead Communion after dinner is over.

Communion was once served in homes in the First Century.  They ate, shared their faith and took communion as a sign of their "common union" with one another and Christ. Below is a sample of how you could lead communion with those in your home for Bread Breakers. ***Make sure to have some grape juice (or wine as long as everyone is okay with that) and pita bread so each person can participate.***


Start by informing everyone, as you wrap up dinner, that you will be taking a time of communion.  Make sure that everyone has a piece of bread and some  juice so they can participate as you walk through each part.

1) Read Scripture.

1 Corinthians 11:23-26 (ESV)
"For I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread, 24 and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, “This is my body, which is for[b] you. Do this in remembrance of me.”

2) Take a small break from the scriptures and tell everyone that they can eat the bread and then pray.  

You could pray something like,

"Jesus we eat this bread and as we do we are thankful.  Thankful that you gave yourself for us.  You were broken for our brokenness and now we are whole.
- Amen!"

3) Then continue to read the scriptures:

25 In the same way also he took the cup, after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.” 26 For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes."

4)  As you finish reading the scriptures tell everyone that they can drink the juice and then pray.  

You could pray something like,

"Jesus, as we drink this juice we remember how much it cost for our lives to be saved. Your sacrifice is perfect.  We have confidence that your blood paid our every debt and we are free.
- Amen!"

As you wrap up communion, speak encouragement over those with you.  Remind them that communion is not simply an act of eating and drinking but remembering.  And as we remember we gain strength and encouragement in our life with Him.