The Greatest Artist Ever

We are so glad that you had the chance to participate in our Art 4 All event.  Hopefully, you had a great time creating art at all the different stations.  We believe the arts are a unique way to show how God made you.  It is also our belief that God wants to use what you create to show the world who He is and how he can take our broken world and make it new.  Our prayer is that you never stop creating works of art and that through them you see yourself as God's masterpiece.

Check out the video below to get a better idea of how great an artist God really is and the invitation he has for you to create works of art no matter how old you are.

About Move Church

Move Church was established in 2015 and exists to see our community know and move toward deeper intimacy with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We gather at the Warrior Armory building (where Art 4 All took place) on Sundays at 10 AM for worship and invite you to join us! You can listen to our Sunday messages on Spotify or Apple Podcast by searching Move Church, however, the best way to consume our content is through the Move Church TV app where you can also listen to exclusive content to the app including podcasts, blogs, and view our upcoming events and services.